
Showing posts with the label San Pablo Bay

Hiking from San Roque to San Pablo Bay and back

 Almost every day, we get out for a run, hike, bike ride and/or a swim.  Today, we opted to get an earlier start than normal.  We set the alarm for 6am and were out the door by 7am.  We drove 8 miles north to the small fishing village of San Roque.  We hiked north to San Pablo bay and then backtracked on the old and dilapidated vigilancia road and finally returned on the main .   Zeus was happy with the foggy conditions especially after yesterday's muggy and hot conditions. In addition we were treated to a wonderful show of powerful and strong waves thanks to Hurricane Olaf.  All in all, the hike was about 7.5 miles and almost 2,000 ft. of climbing.  Enjoy the trip with us!