A Day in the Life of Zeus (Gabriel's Narrative HW this week)

  As a dog, I think I have it very good. I have owners who love me, friends who play with me, and a bountiful amount of bunnies. My name is Zeus and I live in Bahia Asuncion. Almost every day my family takes me running. It is a good time to exercise, and it lets me continue my ever going hunt for the rabbits. So as always, when I hear my momma say, “Zeus, are you ready?!”I know it is time to go.

        As we get on the trail, I see my friends Pedro, Alexander, Nick all sitting all alone. If only they had owners as good as mine, I thought. Oh well. The early dog catches the bunnies. I did not have time to worry.

As I went up to the water tower, a lizard thought it would be funny to walk in front of me, taunting me by standing just out of my reach.  But when I tried to show that lizard who's boss, Mummy chokes me. Rude, I thought. 

        Then I got lectured about how I can’t pull that junk, just get to letting me off I thought, and they did. I was running at a good pace, until a quarter of the way through, Juaqin the rabbit decided to show his face.  He is the worst, I thought. Juaquin is this jerk who runs me in circles, always getting me hurt or in trouble. But not this time, I’ll catch him and  I’ll have daddy put him on the smoker. So just like that I was off, running after Juaquin as if there was no tomorrow. Up and down mountains. I endured blistering winds, and scorching deserts! I climb to the highest bloody peak of the highest bloody mountain, and do you know what I find?! Once again, Juaquin has disappeared!

I was furious. My head erupted in flames from the anger. And worst of all  I could not see my family! I needed a  plan. I was so far out that I could not see the beach nor the town. I would try  to retrace my steps, but the blistering winds blew away my footprints. So I would need to do it by memory.

I could not remember much since we were going through a desert at high speeds. But there were a few landmarks I could remember and they should be enough. One, I remembered a dead bush that looked like the corpse of my sister. Two a blue feather. Three, a tree that looked happy. And four the open valley where I last saw my family. Hopefully that will be enough.

Luckily It was. But when I arrived they were not there, which meant I was not out of the woods yet. I would need to follow their shoe prints. I was starting to get tired when in the breeze I heard the word, “Zeus!”

Then again, “Zeus!”

I started to run to the direction of the sound and I found them.Once they gave me water, Daddy said, “Zeus, what are we going to do with you?”

 I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, but I couldn't resist myself. Chasing the bunnies was the yin to my yang, the jelly to my peanut butter. But all they heard was Bark!!

Later that day we went to the beach,and I was enjoying my family time, until I saw a bunny in the distance....

The End.


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