Hello world!

I have always enjoyed early morning hours but things are amplified in our village.  The roosters start the show followed soon after by the fishermen in their loud trucks and cars heading off to the boat launch.  Soon after, the sounds of seagulls, dogs, a passing motorcycle and kids heading off to school starts to fill the air.  It's loud but peaceful and welcoming.  The school bell rings and then it's time for me to head up to my office to begin my work.

Most days, I sip my coffee and read emails.  I follow things up by getting math lessons ready for sessions I have with students later in the day.  I really don't like the feeling of being uprepared as it causes undue stress.  I'm trying to write more often and soon hope to make this a daily habit.  

Before I know it, I need to head downstairs and get brunch started for Tracy and Gabriel.  It's a straight-forward and simple life but rich and rewarding.  Cheers to all the village voices each morning!


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