New Daily Routines

We are nearing three weeks of living in Baja.  I can honestly say I haven’t been this relaxed in a very long time.  I’m sleeping better than I’ve slept in well over a year.

We still manage to be very routined.   We are going to bed earlier here and waking up earlier (Zac consistently gets up early, I'm hit or miss!).  I like to slowly rise, have my cup of tea, and start the day by practicing my Spanish on Drops and Duolingo.  (Gabriel and I have gotten very competitive using both apps.  For Drops I am on a streak of 470 days, and for Duolingo I have 375 days in.  How many do you have Gabriel? :)  Afterwards we tend to do some sort of exercise - either hike, run, or bike.  Then we return for a nice brunch, prepared daily by Zac.  Lately this after-brunch time consists of yard work, housework, or any combination of the two.  I find that I clean the house much more regularly here- mostly due to the amount of sand/dirt in the air.  But I am proud of myself for keeping things clean and tidy.

This week we’ve worked a lot on the garden.  We’ve made several trips to the desert to get mesquite dirt for the several garden beds we’ve started.  We’ve planted tomatoes, chard, lettuce, melon, and eggplant.  I’m also trying to grow some zinnia flowers.  Fingers crossed we start to see some growth in the garden.  We’re also finding that now that we are here full time, the trees are getting regular water and regular love, which is paying off already.  

Our beach times have been a bit minimal, which is unusual for us.  This is due, partly, to our yard work, but also because the ocean temps have been pretty cold.  We had a pretty epic beach day on Sunday, our 4th of July celebration.  As normal, Mika got out of the truck and ran straight for the water.  Zac decided to get in for a bit.  The most memorable part of the day, for sure, was Gabriel fitting into my old wetsuit.  He was super happy to be able to stay in the water for quite a while.  But, the best part was him trying to get OUT of the wetsuit. Zac and I explained that it is more difficult than the short suit he was accustomed to, and gave him some tips.  Next thing I know, Gabriel was making some squeaking sounds, fell to the ground, naked parts all over the place, and managed to take 10 minutes trying to get out of the suit.  I know my recollection can’t do those moments justice, but let me say I haven’t laughed/ cried that hard in a long time!!

Hasta luego…..


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